What is Homeopathy

Homeopathy only stimulates your body’s ability to heal itself.

Homeopathy is a form of medicine developed over 200 years ago by German doctor Samuel Hahnemann. Through a series of experiments Dr. Hahnemann discovered what he termed the Law of Similars. This law states that any substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person has the potential to heal those same symptoms in illness. By greatly diluting toxic materials and then vigorously shaking them, Dr. Hahnemann determined the poison of that substance became inert, yet the healing properties remained and were actually enhanced. 

Taken from the Greek words ‘homeo’ and ‘pathos,’ homeopathy is literally translated to “similar suffering”. Therefore, the properly chosen and administered homeopathic medicine mimics the body’s suffering and triggers a healing response. In this, we find that homeopathic medicines are extremely effective and cause no side effects - unlike conventional pharmaceutical drugs.

  • Homeopathy is the second most common treatment worldwide

  • Homeopathy is one of the most widely used complementary and alternative medicines (CAM)

  • Homeopathic medicine is FDA regulated and goes through stringent quality control testing for potency and purity

  • Homeopathy has been practiced in the US since 1825 and there have never been any recalls of the remedies

  • Homeopathy is based on the principle “like cures like” meaning that a substance that produces a set of symptoms in its raw form has the ability to treat the same symptoms in its homeopathic form.

  • The medicine goes through a series of dilutions and succussions in order to make it effective.

  • Homeopathy focuses on healing disease and not suppressing it.

  • Homeopathy addresses both acute and chronic illnesses such as allergies, broken bones, hormonal imbalances, mental health, pain management, and so much more!