Homeopathic consultations are tailored toward each client’s health goals


Consultation Paperwork

The first step is to contact one of us and we will send you Initial Consultation paperwork. Once our office receives that paperwork, we schedule a 1 on 1 appointment. You may choose a Zoom or in-person appointment.  


Initial 1 on 1 Appointment

At the appointment we discuss your primary health concerns, health history, and current modalities of treatment. This first appointment may take 1-2 hours. From there your homeopath will suggest an individualized schedule of homeopathic remedies and additional resources to address your health concerns. 


Follow-up Appointment

There is a highly encouraged follow-up appointment 8-13 weeks after beginning your remedy schedule. At the second appointment, we reassess and fine tune for any remaining health concerns.  You will also have the opportunity to schedule additional follow-up appointments as needed. 

We believe your body was made to heal!

Have any questions? We would love to talk!