Homeopathy for the whole family.

Utilizing Practical Homeopathy to achieve lasting balance in the body

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy only stimulates your body’s ability to heal itself.

Homeopathy is a form of medicine developed over 200 years ago by German doctor Samuel Hahnemann. Through a series of experiments Dr. Hahnemann discovered what he termed the Law of Similars. This law states that any substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person has the potential to heal those same symptoms in illness.

What is Homeopathy?

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Our Approach


Initial Paperwork

The first step is to contact one of us and we will send you Initial Consultation paperwork. Once our office receives that paperwork, we schedule a 1 on 1 appointment. You may choose a Zoom or in-person appointment.  


1 on 1 Appointment  

At the appointment we discuss your primary health concerns, health history, and current modalities of treatment. This first appointment may take from 1-2 hours. From there your homeopath will suggest an individualized schedule of homeopathic remedies and additional resources to address your health concerns.


Follow-up Appointment

There is a highly encouraged follow-up appointment 8-13 weeks after beginning your remedy schedule. At the second appointment, we reassess and fine tune for any remaining health concerns.  You will also have the opportunity to schedule additional follow-up appointments as needed.

What sorts of things would you see us for?

Symptoms are the body’s way of communicating. We want to listen with you.

At Wellhouse Homeopathy we believe in the body’s innate ability to achieve homeostasis and healing. Homeopathy has the ability to educate the body to correct itself in many chronic and acute illnesses. Contact us for further details. 

Our Services

  • Consultation

  • Homeopathy

  • Coaching

  • Goals

Meet our Team

  • Callie DelGrosso - PHom

  • Julie Black - MH, PHom

  • Shelley Ring - PHom

Book a consultation with us to naturally improve your health


We’ve been working with Callie for a few months to get some health issues straightened out for my little guy. PANDAS isn’t an easy medical diagnoses to figure out....
— Dusty
I began having terrible health issues after the birth of our fourth child. I started losing hope. My health was getting worse through prescribed medicine to the point that doctors told me to stop nursing my baby. I thought there had to be a better way, and then I found Julie....
— Janeil
“I loved my experience with my Gateway to Homeopathy classes! I knew nothing about homeopathy before, so these group classes provided a wonderful treasure of learning with other...
— Giselle